Tuesday, June 30th

We set sail promptly at 9 o’clock this morning and decided to head east to Hein Bank with the hopes of seeing some Minke Whales. We sat by a congregation of birds and waited for the whales. While we waited, a California Sea Lion circled our boat, curiously. After several passes, the Sea Lion swam off. We then headed towards San Juan Island where members of J-Pod were fishing along the coast headed towards Salmon Bank. A successful trip to say the least!

For our afternoon tour we knew the Orcas we had encountered earlier this morning would be somewhere along the San Juan coastline. Possibly by Eagle Point, we headed in that direction and caught up with the whales at Salmon Bank. The whales were spread far apart and leisurely fishing; we managed to get great sightings of a group fishing close to the shoreline. They porpoised and tail lobbed, travelling in a nice tight group. People from the San Juan shore watched from the rocks as we passed. After a successful afternoon we headed home to the harbour.