Monday, June 22nd

Today Captain Brad and Naturalist Jenna trekked way out west in search of our friends the Orca. On our way out we made a stop at Church Island to look at a majestic bald eagle. We then continued out past Sooke, nearly to Jordan River, where we met up finally with some of our Resident(fish eating) Orcas. We found several members of the L-pod. Among them, few mature females, and most notably a mature male and young calf.
The females and calf gave us quite a few good passes, as well as some tail slaps. However, the calf stole the show with approximately 10 successive breaches!!! One of the reason we love the calves is that when they are trying to learn something new the do it over and over again, and today's lesson must have been breaching. It was the perfect end to our encounter on another beautiful summer day!